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Slot karaoke texty
Získej karaoke texty Slot, které tolik milujete. Seznam obsahuje karaoke texty, texty starších písní i texty horkých novinek Slot. Nauč se všechna slova své oblíbené skladby nebo rozjeď vlastní karaoke party dnes v noci :-).

Videoklip a text písně Slot Machine od Lil Debbie. Jackpot, jackpot right out the crackpot Toys like match box Do It like Now you hittin' that spot Baby, do..

Videoklip a text písně Put A Penny In The Slot od Fionn Regan. I apologise, seem to have arrived, On what items in my bag from your house. There's cutlery, ..

Melʹkayut etazhi , naverkh na kryshu, Navernoe, ty zhiv, no ya ne slyshu smekh. V tesnom mire zastryali, v takt molchali, Nas dostavali sorok pyatʹ. Minut nylo ...

Videoklip, překlad a text písně Dead stars od Slot. Ostanovisʹ , poka ne pozdno , Ya padayu vniz za toboij Tuda gde svetyat tvoi mjortvye zvjozdy Osleplya..

Videoklip, překlad a text písně Angel ili demon od Slot. Kto? Angel ili demon? Vechnaya tema dobra i zla V rukakh sinyaya ptitsa, kryl'ya - stranitsy I pyl..

Videoklip a text písně AngelOk od Slot. Letit moya dusha Na krasnyi svet, na chernyi den', Solnca belyi shar - Zakryl na mne ot kryl'ev ten'. ey, nu kak ty ..

Videoklip, překlad a text písně Konets sveta od Slot. Konec sveta - net interneta Ja ne mogu to i ne mogu eto Informacii nol - infodijeta I ni otveta i ne ..

Videoklip a text písně Met De Deur Op Slot od Abel. met de deur op slot er zijn dagen dat je liever leeft met de deur op slot dagen dat jij om niets en n..
Konets sveta od Slot
Sotvoril Bog nebo i zemlju. I skazal - da budet svet. I otdelil svet ot tmy. I uvidel, chto eto chorosho. I skazal Bog: Da soberjotsja voda i da javitsja susha
Sotvoril Bog nebo i zemlju. I skazal - da budet svet. I otdelil svet ot tmy. I uvidel, chto eto chorosho. I skazal Bog: Da soberjotsja voda i da javitsja susha

Videoklip, překlad a text písně Lego od Slot. Bolshe chochet moje ego Jemu vsjo malo Konstruktor lego Slomala, ja slomala..

Videoklip, překlad a text písně Chaos od Slot. Potjerjat njebjesa Zapuskaja ruki v bjezdnu Zakryvaja glaza Prosto vjerit v njeizvjestnost..
Album 4ever od Slot
2 voiny Rok vydání: 2006 2 songů; ALBUM 4ever Rok vydání: 2009 14 songů; ALBUM F5 Rok vydání: 2011 15 songů; ALBUM Slot 1 Rok vydání: 2003 7 songů ...
2 voiny Rok vydání: 2006 2 songů; ALBUM 4ever Rok vydání: 2009 14 songů; ALBUM F5 Rok vydání: 2011 15 songů; ALBUM Slot 1 Rok vydání: 2003 7 songů ...

Videoklip, překlad a text písně Pulja od Slot. Vystrjel carapajet v krov vozduch Vspomin zavjet pro ljubov, oops, pozdno! Dolja sekundy ponjat Jest u tjebj..

Videoklip, překlad a text písně Ave Maria od Slot. I vsjo takzhe kak prezhde, slovami igraja Ya svet i nadezhdu na mir prolivaju A mjezhdu strok, povinujas..

Videoklip, překlad a text písně Bumerang od Slot. Kazhdyij vzglyad - bumerang Letit , kuda glaza glyadyat On vernet·sya nazad Vsë k tebe vernët·sya..

Videoklip, překlad a text písně Tik od Slot. Doza ognja ladonjach mjortvoj vodoj Den oto dnja skvoz palcy v zjemlju dotla Vremja nachodit rifmu k slovu zhi..

Videoklip, překlad a text písně Predatelskaja od Slot. My stali na zolje Svoich bolnych domov I na odnoj zemlje Vozduchom dyshali Listali dni rukoj Rjekoj ..

Videoklip, překlad a text písně Nochnoij dozor od Slot. Nebo svernetsya v nit Svet poglotit voronka Krovi hotyat ispit Zveri za spinoj Vremennyj dogovor Rv..
Slot - Побег
Text písně Побег od Slot. Я пытаюсь встать с коленей Но опять не с той ноги. И воюю так со всеми ..
Text písně Побег od Slot. Я пытаюсь встать с коленей Но опять не с той ноги. И воюю так со всеми ..
10 Slot - Chernoe na chernom
Gde-to v chernoj-chernoj strane. V chernom chernom gorode. S kraju chernoj ulicy dom. Chernoj radostju v stene. Rozy na slepom okne. My v etom dome ...
Gde-to v chernoj-chernoj strane. V chernom chernom gorode. S kraju chernoj ulicy dom. Chernoj radostju v stene. Rozy na slepom okne. My v etom dome ...
7 Slot - Triniti
Vot tak by chelovek i zhil. Vsjo jel, pil, tusil, no ne chvatajet sil i tolicy. Togo, chto chochetsja, no silno koletsja. I on molitsja. Vsjo nadejetsja - sim-sim otkrojetsja
Vot tak by chelovek i zhil. Vsjo jel, pil, tusil, no ne chvatajet sil i tolicy. Togo, chto chochetsja, no silno koletsja. I on molitsja. Vsjo nadejetsja - sim-sim otkrojetsja
Blondie - T-Birds
In the slot, no misses. Mighty bird. T-bird, my mighty bird. T-bird, mighty bird. Black sun conqueror. Black sun worshipper. Coil it up, wind it out, strike it hot
In the slot, no misses. Mighty bird. T-bird, my mighty bird. T-bird, mighty bird. Black sun conqueror. Black sun worshipper. Coil it up, wind it out, strike it hot
Cradle of Filth Nymphetamine Fix
The right slot for your sacred key. Six feet deep is the incision. In my heart, that barless prison. Discolours all with tunnel vision. Sunsetter. Nymphetamine.
The right slot for your sacred key. Six feet deep is the incision. In my heart, that barless prison. Discolours all with tunnel vision. Sunsetter. Nymphetamine.
Twenty One Pilots - Car Radio
... have these thoughts So often I ought To replace that slot With what I once bought 'Cause somebody stole My car radio And now I just sit in silence Sometimes ...
... have these thoughts So often I ought To replace that slot With what I once bought 'Cause somebody stole My car radio And now I just sit in silence Sometimes ...
Op Het Hoekje Brand Nog Licht od A-vier
De deur kan niet op slot, hiep hiep hoera. Op het hoekje brandt nog licht, nou die gaan nog lang niet dicht. Want ze zingen van we gaan nog niet naar huis
De deur kan niet op slot, hiep hiep hoera. Op het hoekje brandt nog licht, nou die gaan nog lang niet dicht. Want ze zingen van we gaan nog niet naar huis
Big Sugar - Nicotina (she's All That)
... whoa yeah, makes me me Oh yeah she's all that Oh yeah she's all that I'm her silver dollar, she's my slot machine Oh yeah she's all that Oh yeah she's all that ...
... whoa yeah, makes me me Oh yeah she's all that Oh yeah she's all that I'm her silver dollar, she's my slot machine Oh yeah she's all that Oh yeah she's all that ...
Steve Winwood - Second-Hand Woman
Go down babe, a slot machine to take my dime Cunning diversion to pass the time Flash in the pan, a weekend trip in any town She'll light the fuse and watch ...
Go down babe, a slot machine to take my dime Cunning diversion to pass the time Flash in the pan, a weekend trip in any town She'll light the fuse and watch ...
Cliff Richard - School Days
... you go in Drop the coin right into the slot You gotta hear something that's really hot With the one you love you're makin' romance All day long you been wantin' ...
... you go in Drop the coin right into the slot You gotta hear something that's really hot With the one you love you're makin' romance All day long you been wantin' ...
April Wine - Doin' it Right
... and they're gettin' on down The slot man's playin' like his soul's on fire Movin' like a rumour on a telephone wire Go rev up your Chevy, put your gas foot down ...
... and they're gettin' on down The slot man's playin' like his soul's on fire Movin' like a rumour on a telephone wire Go rev up your Chevy, put your gas foot down ...
Heaven 17 - Temptation
7. únor 2009 Put your dime in the hot slot. Temptation But it's a million to one shot. Temptation you think that you're right. Temptation Your gonna face it tonite ...
7. únor 2009 Put your dime in the hot slot. Temptation But it's a million to one shot. Temptation you think that you're right. Temptation Your gonna face it tonite ...
R.E.M. - The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite
Call me when you try to wake her. There are scratches all around the coin slot like a heartbeat, baby trying to wake up, but this machine can only swallow money ...
Call me when you try to wake her. There are scratches all around the coin slot like a heartbeat, baby trying to wake up, but this machine can only swallow money ...
Eminem - Ricky Ticky Toc
And a damn slot machine at the same time as eachother. Why the fuck you think we ride like we brothers. When we rhyme with eachother. In time we discovered ...
And a damn slot machine at the same time as eachother. Why the fuck you think we ride like we brothers. When we rhyme with eachother. In time we discovered ...
Underworld - Bruce Lee
(you still have slot the wall in a blanket ) (I have been this way for days ). STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF... (bullet got the wrong bloke ) (it's happenned mortuary ...
(you still have slot the wall in a blanket ) (I have been this way for days ). STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF STIFF... (bullet got the wrong bloke ) (it's happenned mortuary ...
Morcheeba - São Paulo
São Paulo. Waiting in the club lounge. I slot in so systematicly. I wanna smash it to pieces. Release this hatred inside of me. You know you fill me with passion
São Paulo. Waiting in the club lounge. I slot in so systematicly. I wanna smash it to pieces. Release this hatred inside of me. You know you fill me with passion
David Bowie - Panic in Detroit
I screamed and ran to smash my favorite slot machine. And jumped the silent cars that slept at traffic lights. Having scored a trillion dollars, made a run back ...
I screamed and ran to smash my favorite slot machine. And jumped the silent cars that slept at traffic lights. Having scored a trillion dollars, made a run back ...
Insane Clown Posse - 85 Bucks An Hour
Uh Harry hey this is Slim Anus down at the cannery uh, Dick Shooter left a bulletin, something about uh Tou filling in his slot tonight down at the uh garage We ...
Uh Harry hey this is Slim Anus down at the cannery uh, Dick Shooter left a bulletin, something about uh Tou filling in his slot tonight down at the uh garage We ...
62 Rhythm Of My Heart
shifting like the handle of a slot machine. Love may still exist in another place. I'm just yanking back the handle no expression on my face. Oh the rhythm of my ...
shifting like the handle of a slot machine. Love may still exist in another place. I'm just yanking back the handle no expression on my face. Oh the rhythm of my ...
Eve - Who's That Girl?
... born hustlin' bitch check what I've been through Got mine took it from you, and now you slot mine Exec to my own shit, dawg I ownin' dot coms' Who's that girl?
... born hustlin' bitch check what I've been through Got mine took it from you, and now you slot mine Exec to my own shit, dawg I ownin' dot coms' Who's that girl?
Gabrielle Aplin Puzzle Piece
I'll slot myself back in the puzzle, where I should be where I should be. Tištěno z Sponzor: - vyberte si pojištění online!
I'll slot myself back in the puzzle, where I should be where I should be. Tištěno z Sponzor: - vyberte si pojištění online!
Podobné texty písní
Poslední texty písní
● slot
● kayem
● peklo
● cnblue
● b.o.b.
● temple
● w.e.t.
● ironkap
● galgani
● bez tebe
● elán
● tango
● decipher
● russ
● troy ave
● psyco
● človíček
● vinil
● 7 days
● morna
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